Warm People, Cold Showers

Posted by jennie on February 8th, 2006

ok, friends and family, this is gonna be my first and maybe shortest mail.

Just to let everyone know, im in Quetzaltenango (Xela, pronounced Shayla) Guatemala. I stayed one night in Guatemala city in a lovely place about 2 minutes from the airport. (thanks, glenn, for providing me with a place to live that made me acustomed to the sound of planes flying right over your head through the night!!) Met great people right away, from the american teacher who lives in Guate (as guatemala city is called) who i chatted with in Dallas, to the fellow travelers i encounted at the guest house in guate. –Oh, btw i thought about buying a “Dont Mess with Texas” tee at the airport, but then thought better of it. ;)

I was relieved that the immigration process in guat. city was the easiest i had ever seen! no matter how many times ive gone thru the process it always seems a bit intimidating. really, it was stamp-passport-give-official-looking-dude your customs paperwork, and head out the door.. (and thankfully, my favorite flipflops made it=i realized 1/2 way thru the journey that i had strapped them onto the OUTSIDE of my checked bag.. oops) I met a young student from Mississippi with whom i rode the bus to Xela (sarah and marah, it was NOT unlike our ride in Oaxaca- for the rest of you: read lucky to have not lost my breakfast!). I was able to share some of my travelers wisdom with her eg: ¨”you should be careful with that purse youre wearing, i got robbed in Chile wearing one that was the same style”– ah, how a tragedy at the time, just seems like a good story now. hee hee.

SO, here in Xela i was surprised to find out that the reservation i had made via the internet for a guest house had hmmm.. been “lost”? this was explained to be my fault since i did not confirm a few days ahead.. eventhough i have the email evidence to prove it.. ha! well, its all worked out, cuz i found a better place anyway.. one with hot water.

School started today and i got the teacher that was recommended. not sure if he was recommended because of his teaching skill or because he is cute.. buy hey! turns out he is both! win win. (the person who recommended said teacher shall remain nameless!)

ok, im going to sign off now.. “short” post she said?? well, those that know me well, know that is nearly impossible for me!

I hope this finds you all well.

love, jennie

Entry Filed under: General, Guatemala


  • 1. Lisa KS Mattson  |  February 9th, 2006 at 1:23 pm

    So happy to hear that you have safely made it to Guatemala.
    I love you dearly, and I am very proud of you (not many people including myself would feel comfortable to set off as you do), thanks for letting me live vicariously through you…
    Much love sent your way!

  • 2. Laura Hastings  |  February 12th, 2006 at 6:48 pm

    So glad you are there safe! I hope you are having fun, and that the adventure is even more fun than you imagined. I miss you so much, but am so proud of you. :)

  • 3. Angel Ruiz  |  February 12th, 2006 at 10:24 pm

    Hola, que tal, me alegra nucho saber que estas muy bien, y que estas disfrutando mucho tu aventura en esas lindas tierras del sur, que pases muy bien cada dia, y tengas muchisimas maravillosas experiencias.
    Ciao un beso.

  • 4. Sonja  |  February 15th, 2006 at 9:24 am

    Glad you had a relatively uneventful trip down. Hope the studying is going well. I wish I had need for my favorite flip flops! It’s cold here…

  • 5. Carly  |  February 15th, 2006 at 3:20 pm

    So far so good huh Shep? Save travels…be well.

  • 6. Megan  |  February 17th, 2006 at 11:32 am

    I am so happy that you still hear my words of wisdom from years ago..Hope you are doing well. Can’t wait to hear more. Have fun and be careful. : )


February 2006
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